Finding Home Life in a Changing World


Our families don’t look like they did when we were growing up. Maybe our parents didn’t teach us the domestic arts. Maybe they did and that system doesn’t serve us well today. Welcome to WeeCLT, where family-tested tips and tricks help us navigate home life in our changing world.


Get inspired to take on do-it-yourself home projects


Explore ways to get your finances working for you


Make the most of your time and your closet space


Real Talk for Real Families

There are a lot of things we aren’t talking about and family life would be a lot easier if we started having those conversations.


Family Tested Meals

Recipes that please them all, from the pickiest preschoolers to the vegetable-averse adults.

Do It Yourself

Take on Those Home Projects

With a drill and a little planning you can take on almost anything around the house. It’s time to start making our nest work better for us!


Our Latest Posts

If Magazines Featured Real Homes

If Magazines Featured Real Homes

Ever look at the home features in magazines and say to yourself, "man, maybe someday I can get my house in order like that"? Well of course you have! That's the point of magazines. They want you to look at these pristine homes and believe that yours doesn't compare....

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Take Your Family Calendars off Paper

Take Your Family Calendars off Paper

The family calendar on the fridge is as ubiquitous as shoe racks and backpack hooks. But one of the biggest challenges of having a physical calendar is the inability to make changes when you aren't physically connected to that calendar. Once my kids were old enough to...

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Family & Budget Friendly Red Meat Alternatives

Family & Budget Friendly Red Meat Alternatives

Recent news reports say the price of meat, specifically beef and veal, have gone up 20 percent. Red meat isn't particularly healthy compared to other meat options, but with some creative substitutions you can get that same sensation of red meat without the expense or...

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